We started our intramurals with preliminary games, where all of the students play their certain sport with their assigned teams. There are 4 teams, the Gold team, Blue team, Red team, and the Green team. I was in the Gold team. For some, the experiences of intramurals was a chance to showcase their athletic skills and compete at the highest level. The trill of scoring a winning goal, making an important play, or achieving a personal best was an experience we will cherish.

This is the Day 1 of the prelims and our team won against the Red team in volleyball.

Day 2 of the prelims, the Gold team won again against the Red team but in basketball. 

Intramurals provided an opportunity to step out of their comfort zones and try something new. It was a chance to discover hidden talents, improve their skills, and gain confidence with their abilities. Overcoming challenges and pushing past limits became a source of personal growth and empowerment. The lessons learned from intramurals extended beyond the playing area. Students learned about teamwork, cooperation, resilience, and sportsmanship. We discovered the value of dedication, hard work, and discipline in achieving our goals. 

The intramurals event and its aftermath have provided us with an amazing journey of sportsmanship, friendship, and personal growth. We've witnessed the power of teamwork, the thrill of competition and the joy of shared accomplishments. Whether we were cheering from the sidelines or actively participating, we've all contributed to the success of this event. As we reflect on the memories made and the bonds formed, let us carry the lessons learned and the spirit of sportsmanship into our future aims.

The intramurals may have come to an end, but the impact it has had on us will continue to resonate. Let's cherish the experiences, celebrate our achievements, and look forward to the next opportunity to come together and create more lasting memories.


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